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2025's Hottest New Author,
Alison Mullins

"The brilliance of this book lies in its recognition of the human element in sales. This isn’t just about sealing the deal, it’s about fostering genuine relationships, building trust, and yes, telling a story that resonates."
– Bill Soroka, The Notary Coach

My mom called this morning to tell me her thoughts on the book. It's one thing to get naked for an audience by writing a book; it's another thing if I begin relying simply on my mom's formulated and biased opinions. But she said, "Alison, it reads like a college textbook," I laughed out loud while proclaiming my aww of such praise from a veteran educator and my mother; this was a pretty good compliment. She continued, "honestly, i don't understand any of it, but it's good writing." Again, I laughed and processed the dig covered in pink lipstick, and complied with telling me, "it's good writing," one of the nicest things anyone could say. I'm not a writer and hardly passed my AP English classes in high school. However, I've worked very hard to follow the instructions from a writing coach and a publishing coach. I've learned to take the heat and put in the work, review for my own book is my mother's words, and I'll go on throughout my day knowing I really did put my all into this book. Hope you enjoy it.
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